Simple ways to nurture your chakras

Son of Aqurius
4 min readSep 16, 2021


(Before the crash)

All of life flows together in masculine and feminine energy also known as giving and receiving. Everything moves and flows when this relationship is in harmonious balance and lovingly nurtured.

Here are some cool tips to nurture both the masculine and feminine energies of our chakras.

Sacral Chakra:


When we receive pleasure in all its forms we allow our feminine energy to receive and open up more uninhabited; allowing room for more of that which gives us pleasure. So let’s go eat dessert first or let ourselves be admired more.


When we give pleasure in all its forms we allow more abundant pleasures to flow for us to enjoy and share. Giving also connects us to a sense of tribe and community. So let’s throw that dinner party or please our lovers in a new way; and pleasure to ourselves in a new way.

Navel Chakra:


When we allow others to see us and we invite them to enjoy the authentic us; we invite so much appreciation and gratitude into the core of who we are; which in turn can settle us even deeper in self love and confidence. So let’s go shine my fellow stars and show all our beautiful colors.


When we allow ourselves to express and present authentically in the world we. build around us a deeper sense of belonging and. at-homeness with self. When we live honestly with ourselves we create a bond of trust with ourselves. So go do you boo!!!

Solar Plexus:


When we take in and admire the creations of others we refresh our creative center by partaking in receiving the energy of creativity. There’s a reason why people go to beautiful places to feel inspiration(creativity). So let’s get our butts to that art gallery and next stop; Grand Canyon!!! But before that let’s admire some of our own creative flow.


When we allow ourselves room in our busy lives to flow and create, paint, sing, write or play music about whatever is on our mind we remove more and more of the restrictions of how we believe we need to show up in the world. We also express ownership of ourselves as creators. So sing louder in the shower(probably not at the movie theater though) or take your paint set to a place that feels beautiful to you.

Heart Chakra:


When we receive love as it shows up we invite infinite streams of more love to flow toward us. Throwing aside any ideals of how we think love should be experienced frees space in our hearts to receive with more ease. So let’s expect nice things to happen us; The Oneness is excited to shower us with love.


When we allow ourselves to express or emote our feelings and emotions; whether it’s in total bliss or total despair; we keep ourselves heart centers so fluid that they become like an energy transmutation station. We allow it to pass through but not to settle. So what if we just went ahead and got angry for once and stopped saying it’s ok? What if we were determined to be happy with ourselves regardless of outside influences?

Throat Chakra:


When we allow others to speak life giving words over us, words that wash us and affirm who we know ourselves to truly be; and more importantly when we wash and affirm ourselves with words, our throat chakra is eased back into its natural state of feeling free to express itself. So when people start complimenting and Ravvvviingg about you this week say these 5 words: Yes Yes And More Please


When we offer the world our most natural way of expressing ourselves(who we are at home); we give ourselves the freedom to just be no matter where we are. Expressing ourselves through whatever our talent(art) may be gives us the gift of knowing that our voice(song) matters. So just go do it, if you don’t like it don’t do it no more. You deserve to explore all the beautiful layers that lead you back to the center of who you are.

Third eye:


Receiving conscious/intuitive care is like a week long spa retreat to the third eye. Whether you are receiving a massage, acupuncture, breath work, or self care; allowing intuition to guide the flow creates an atmosphere of intuitive flow and balance. What if we listen to those silly thoughts in our heads with a little less judgment; and maybe give that crazy Reiki lady another try.?


When we act on or speak out our intuitive impulses and the more we trust ourselves; we expand deeper into our inner knowing; this opens us to infinite paths of perception and yet always back to the one that is us. So what risk do you need to take or what deal do you need to break?

Crown Chakra:


When we allow space for moments that keep us in awe, we receive the gift of childlike wonder, curiosity and exploration. Those moments often draw us back to a sense of interconnected-ness. And we can decide to be in awe any time we want. So let’s explore a different trail on one of our hikes or be enriched by someone else’s story.


When we allow our consciousness to be continually expanded we put the ego on its best behavior. We experience a conscious awareness of our connection with The Oneness. And we often begin to live more in alignment with our higher selves; without even trying. So what spiritual or self awareness tools do you use to expand your understanding of self and beyond?

Remember everything is energy and though we can shield ourselves from hurtful energies we can also allow things to pass through us; transmitting energy into beautiful experiences and wisdom gained. Healing is within; everything else is just a guide to point us back to ourselves.

Peace and Blessings



Son of Aqurius
Son of Aqurius

Written by Son of Aqurius


The impact I make on the world sometimes keeps me awake at night. I want my time here to matter.

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